To mark the deadline for the national implementation of the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market (CDSMD) and present the mid-term results of its cross-disciplinary and transnational research, the Horizon 2020 project reCreating Europe is organising the web conference “The implementation of the CDSM Directive: snapshots into the future of EU copyright law”, which will take place online on 21 June, from 2 to 6 pm CET.
The conference will feature two renowned keynote speakers, Professor Raquel Xalabarder (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) and the First Advocate General Maciej Szpunar (Court of Justice of the EU), an intermezzo with two presentations of CDSMD implementation trackers by Professor Martin Kretschmer and Paul Keller (see here and here), and four thematic panels. Each panel will be devoted to a topic that is touched by the Directive and has been subject to reCreating Europe’s research:
- Panel 1: Remuneration and reversion rights
- Panel 2: A new era for copyright exceptions and limitations?
- Panel 3: Setting the rules for automated content-filtering
- Panel 4: Preservation of cultural heritage
Presentations of reCreating’s researchers will be commented upon by respondents representing key stakeholders, policymakers, academics and the civil society, who will bring in different perspectives and contribute to a multi-faceted, sparkling debate.
More than six breakout rooms will be available for speakers and audience to mingle and chit-chat during a virtual coffee break.
Registration is free and available here, where it is also possible to find the detailed programme. The event may be also followed in live streaming on the YouTube channel of reCreating Europe.
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