Because the artists who would form part of the class had entered into licensing agreements with varying terms, individual issues would prevail over common questions. A district court improperly certified a class of songwriters and artists whose allegedly unlicensed performances can be downloaded and listened to from a popular music memorabilia website, the U.S. Court…

Although the author worked under the terms of a collective bargaining agreement when he penned the movie, the right to ownership was governed by copyright law and not labor law. The writer of the screenplay for Friday the 13th, the classic summer camp thriller that spawned a generation of equally campy horror films, was entitled to…

Although the contract between a makeup artist and her publisher described the artist as the author of the book, the dispute still arose under the Copyright Act because “author” is a term defined under the Act. The dispute between a makeup artist and her publisher over ownership of the copyright to a makeup guide raised…