“The study concludes that under their domestic copyright laws none of the current EU Member States offer protection to sports events as such. A handful of countries, however, afford some special form of protection to the specific interests of sports organizers.” A study on sports organizers’ rights was launched by the European Commission in January…

In less than a month Canadian Copyright law has been subjected to an unprecedented series of modifications that, without exaggerating, could be defined as revolutionary. First of all, on June 29th the long awaited bill C-11 (formerly C-32, C-61, and C-60) received royal assent becoming the Copyright Modernization Act. Canadian Copyright Act looks now much…

In recent years, Italian courts have struggled to create a new figure, the ‘active hosting provider,’ whereby providers that do not offer any content themselves, can nonetheless be held liable with regard to their (commercial) activities in relation to infringing content that was uploaded by users. On the one hand, it could be argued that…