As reported in earlier posts on this blog, in a 2022 study, I examined the national implementations in the 11 Member States that had at that time transposed Article 15 (the press publishers’ right) and Article 17 (the special copyright liability regime for “online content-sharing services providers” (OCSSPs)) of the EU’s Copyright in the Digital…

Today marks the fifth anniversary of the entry into force of the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. It is hard to remember how divisive and controversial the Directive was during its creation. The Directive’s most controversial provision – Article 17 – which brought hundreds of thousands of people onto the streets and…

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) is about to write yet another chapter in the never-ending, or so it seems, ‘Metall auf Metall’ saga. The facts of the case are all too familiar by now: in 2004, German band Kraftwerk took hip hop producer Moses Pelham to court for copyright infringement after…

For more than seven decades, international law has consistently led countries to embrace culture as a global and cross-border value for humanity. The human right to cultural participation has become a pillar of protecting and empowering individuals and communities. At the EU level, the competence to legislate on cultural matters is mostly left to the…

The sweeping evolution of generative AI models is rapidly reshaping the legal landscape of copyright. In the wake of the landmark cases of Authors Guild, Inc v HathiTrust and Authors Guild, Inc v Google, Inc – or the Google Books case –, the fair use doctrine has accommodated a core principle of non-expressive use, referring…

Recently, the EU Parliament adopted a resolution calling for new rules to ensure a fair and sustainable music streaming sector for creators. This shows how music creators’ demands for fair remuneration are far from resolved, despite the EU’s efforts to empower them through the adoption of Articles 18 to 22 of the Copyright in the…

In recent years, a so called ‘Secondary Publication Right’ (SPR) has been adopted in a number of European countries and become a policy hot topic at the EU level. The term encompasses a variety of special regimes empowering (or obliging) authors to retain some of the usage rights over their publicly funded works vis-à-vis scientific…

More than two years after the transposition deadline, and with another infringement proceeding under its belt, Bulgaria is one of the last Member States to now implement the CDSM Directive. On the tail end of a political crisis that forced the country into multiple consecutive early general elections and led to a string of short-lived…

Arts. 3 and 4 of the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive (CDSMD) introduced two exceptions for Text and Data Mining (TDM) in EU copyright Law. These two exceptions, despite having different objectives, share several similarities, as scholar analysis has shown. One of these common aspects is the requirement of lawful access. Only if…

In 2019, the European Union (EU) adopted its most important copyright reform in the past 20 years with the Copyright in the Digital Single Market (DSM) Directive. This ambitious reform sets a precedent that, given the EU’s status as the world leader in digital regulation and the resultant “Brussels Effect”, may be followed elsewhere. Book…