A Belgian band uploaded some songs on a freely accessible website under a non-commercial & no derivative Creative Commons licence. A Belgian theatre used one of the songs to create an advertisement for the next theatrical season, which was broadcasted on several national radios channels. The Court found that the theatre did not respect the…

This is the first Greek copyright case about the liability for provision of links to works and other protected subject matter which have been uploaded to Internet without authorization. In the leading decision 965/2010, the three-member Misdemeanours Court of Kilkis was called to examine whether a website providing links to various contents posted in the…

On 15 February 2011, the Spanish Parliament adopted the Ley de Economía Sostenible (Sustainable Economy Act). This act aims at turning Spain’s economic model into a more sustainable one from not only a economic but also social and environmental point of view. Among many other issues, this act includes some very controversial provisions amending three…