District court erred in ruling that a copyright infringement suit by a medical certification board against a physician for sending test questions to a test prep company was time-barred. The “discovery rule” in a copyright infringement case means that the three-year statute of limitations begins to run on the date of the discovery of the cause of…

An illustrated book titled “Oh, the Places You’ll Boldly Go!” did not make transformative use of Dr. Seuss’s copyrighted pictures and stories, although Lanham Act claims were properly dismissed under the Rogers test. In a closely watched copyright and trademark dispute over a “mash-up” book imitating and combining features of the works of author/illustrator Dr. Seuss and…

Rotary turntable control system’s technical drawings were not copyrightable, but underlying software source code could be, depending on full development of factual record. Whether the software source code for a rotary turntable control system was copyrightable raised a question of fact that required full development of a factual record, the U.S. Court of Appeals for…

Substantial similarity was lacking because the TV show used reported facts in combination with tone, dialogue, and themes that were different from the book. Scenes in the Netflix drama Narcos did not infringe the copyright of Virginia Vallejo, who wrote a memoir about her relationship with Pablo Escobar, because historical facts are not copyrightable, and the plot,…

Appellate court declines to reopen infringement judgment for a case that was not open on direct review. In a copyright infringement case brought by Christ Center of Divine Philosophy, Inc. for infringement of religious books and sound recordings, the U.S. Court of Appeals in Denver has refused to reopen a judgment awarding $80,000 for willful…

The reproduction of an author’s articles in a newspaper’s online archive was not protected from copyright infringement claims by Section 108(a) of the Copyright Act because this archive was not a “library” or “archive” within the meaning of this section. The author of two articles whose copyright infringement claims against a newspaper over the electronic…

Because the copyright owner had held the book out as nonfiction, the “asserted truths” doctrine precluded the owner from later claiming copyright protection for facts contained in it. The members of the pop music quartet The Four Seasons and the producers of the hit musical “Jersey Boys” were entitled to post-verdict judgment as a matter…

Lower court ruling dismissing claims accusing HP of selling unauthorized software updates was reversed on appeal. Claims of direct and indirect infringement by Hewlett Packard and a third party in connection with software updates for Oracle’s Solaris operating system were time-barred to the extent Oracle failed to investigate suspicions of misconduct, the Ninth Circuit has…

Pastor and church who sent YouTube DMCA takedown notices for videos of sermons posted on operator’s channel had good faith belief that videos were infringing. An ongoing dispute between a church and its pastor and a YouTube channel operator has been put to rest by the U.S. Court of Appeals in Atlanta, which affirmed the…