Machine readable opt-outs from TDM As we head into the last month of the current EU legislative term, there are increasing signs that EU lawmakers are unable to agree on the AI Act, which was supposed to be one of the crowning digital policy achievements of Ursula von der Leyen’s Commission. Recent media reports suggest…

Introduction Generative AI is disrupting the creative process(es) of intellectual works on an unparalleled scale. More and more AI systems offer services that push users’ production capacity for new literary and artistic works beyond unforeseen barriers. Algorithmic tools are gradually colonizing every creative sector, from being able to generate text (i.e., ChatGPT, Smodin), to perform…

Welcome to the third trimester of the 2023 round up of EU copyright law! In this edition, we update you on what has happened between July and September 2023 in EU copyright law. The autumn has started with full speed – the courts and the policy makes have been very active. This round up series…

Introduction The current international legal framework for text and data mining (TDM) is highly disharmonized, showing a variety of approaches that span from completely unregulated to partially and fully regulated. Furthermore, regulation is not uniform, and it addresses relevant stakeholders (creative and content industries, tech firms, users, research, and the public sector) in various ways….

The booming industry of generative artificial intelligence (AI) is facing its first regulatory attempt in China. On April 11th, the Cyberspace Administration of China released a draft of the Regulation for Generative Artificial Intelligence Services (the ‘draft Regulation’) for public consultation, which includes 21 articles detailing the proposed regulatory framework for the generative AI industry….

TLDR   Generative AI is one of the hot topics in copyright law today. In the EU, a crucial legal issue is whether using in-copyright works to train generative AI models is copyright infringement or falls under existing text and data mining (TDM) exceptions in the Copyright in Digital Single Market (CDSM) Directive. In particular,…

A series of recent amendments to copyright law, including in the EU Copyright and the Digital Single Market Directive (Art. 3 and 4) and in Singapore’s new Copyright Act (Art. 243, 244), seek to protect the ability of text and data mining researchers to use copyrighted content in their work. “Text and data mining” (“TDM”)…

As generative machine learning (ML) systems become more mainstream, the discussion about copyright and ML input is back in the spotlight. At the heart of this discussion is the question of whether authors, creators, and other rightholders need to give permission before their works can be used as input for generative ML systems that produce…

Introduction: Brazilian Copyright Framework and the existing L&Es Brazil has signed most Intellectual Property (IP) law Treaties, but notably it has not adhered to the WIPO Copyright or the WIPO Phonogram and Performance Treaties. The main national legal instrument for copyright is the Brazilian Copyright Law (Law n. 9.610/98), which is complemented by the software…