CREATe Symposium: Glasgow, 8th-10th October 2019
CREATe, the UK Copyright & Creative Economy Centre at the University of Glasgow, is organising three days of events, public lectures and workshops (the CREATe Symposium 2019) to mark the start of a number of ambitious projects (as well as the continuation of others!) that will occupy us for the next several years. In recognising the achievements of the many researchers who have contributed to CREATe projects it will set the agenda for meeting future challenges that the creative economy will face in an era of platform economy, algorithmic regulation, open science, new legislative proposals, copyright education, and the enduring value of copyright history.
One of the new pillars of CREATe research is the AHRC Creative Industries Policy & Evidence Centre (PEC) which will provide independent research and authoritative recommendations to aid the development of policies for the UK’s creative industries. CREATe’s role in the centre (led by Profs. Martin Kretschmer and Philip Schlesinger) focuses on the regulation of the platform economy and will explore crucial questions for the creative industries such as their arguable transition towards a data intensive model, the control of data structures in the creative process and the role that traditional cultural intermediaries may continue to play in this context. Complementing this work, CREATe is also partner in another AHRC funded project dedicated to “Improving Deliberation, Improving Copyright“ led by Dr Lee Edwards (PI, LSE) and Dr Giles Moss (Co-I, University of Leeds) which focuses on developing more effective consultation processes for copyright policy issues.
Platform regulation has also been at the centre of the debate on the recently adopted Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive. CREATe has played a crucial role in collecting an evidence base that has been instrumental to the improvement of earlier versions of the Directive. During CREATe’s first public lecture of 2019 Catherine Stihler (CEO of the Open Knowledge Foundation and former MEP) will reflect on the making of EU copyright law. Profs. Giorgio Fazio and Rebecca Giblin will offer academic responses to an already intriguing topic.
From historical controversies to contemporary debates the first day of the Symposium will bring together law and non-law researchers to the copyright history roundtable to explore the legal regulation of art, news and markets in the nineteenth century and their continuing relevance to current policy. This research falls within CREATe’s new research on the public sphere and markets including the Carnegie Trust funded project on copyright and freedom of panorama led by Dr Marta Iljadica.
But how to celebrate the UK copyright centre without the British Literary and Artistic Copyright Association? We are thankful to BLACA for co-hosting a lecture at the Hunterian on “Whistler, Faed and Painting Copyright in the Nineteenth Century”. The Whistler painting ‘Portrait of Lady Eden’ will be brought out of store especially for this talk to be shown in public for the first time. As part of this special occasion, Dr Elena Cooper (Leverhulme Early Career Fellow) will connect UK copyright history to two paintings with links to Scotland: ‘Brown and Gold: Portrait of Lady Eden’ by James McNeil Whistler (1834-1903) and ‘Home and the Homeless’ by Thomas Faed (1826-1900).
An ongoing project, and doubtlessly one of the most meaningful contributions of CREATe to evidence-based policy, the Copyright Evidence Wiki is a key to much of CREATe’s future work. To celebrate this success, prior to the (closed) Editorial Board meeting, Associate Prof. Joost Poort will offer a public address on a new empirical study on Global online piracy. In a similar fashion, we will showcase CREATe’s, the UK’s most visited guidance portal on copyright (led by Bartolomeo Meletti).
From empirical to normative: Open Science can be defined as a model of doing science that relies on the concept of openness throughout its life cycle. This includes different elements such as open access to publications and data (both research- and meta-data), as well as open methodologies, free and open source software and much more. Some of CREATe’s work on Open Science will be presented during the “Information, (research) data and open science” workshop led by Dr Thomas Margoni. In addition, CREATe is working with European partners on a new collaborative project about rethinking copyright law in the context of diversity and the democratization of culture (more information coming soon).
Finally, and of vital importance for an event that looks to the future, one of the most inspiring events of the Symposium is the “emerging researchers workshop” led by Amy Thomas, which will present CREATe’s new generation of PhD candidates and early career researchers via quick-fire introductions of their current work.
Three days of intense cultural, intellectual and social activity to mark the start of the next phase of CREATe’s research programme. We’d love to see you at one or all of the events – the sign up details are in the programme. Join us!
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