The discussion on creators’ remuneration is gaining momentum. The main reason: the growing popularity of generative AI and its potential to substitute human creative labour. With the current income streams in danger, new ways of remunerating creators are put forward. The most intuitive proposition is that for providers of generative AI, big tech, to remunerate…

Introduction By introducing the press publishers’ right in art. 15 of the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market (CDSM), the EU legislator wanted to aid press publishers in licensing and enforcing their rights in press publications. The hope was that once press publishers are recognized as rightsholders in the EU legislation, their legal…

On 21st October 2021, Facebook announced that it has reached an agreement with APIG, an association of French press publishers, committing itself to the payment of licensing fees pursuant to the press publishers’ right introduced by the 2019 Copyright Directive. According to Facebook’s press release, the agreement “means that people on Facebook will be able…

A group of leading international academics has published an open letter concerning the right of revocation. This new right, regulating copyright contracts, is provided for in article 22 of the recent EU Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. The letter addressed to the European Commission and the relevant national authorities of EU Member States,…